The Indian infrastructure landscape is attracting huge capital with an investment of 3.9 trillion USD envisaged in infrastructure development across sectors in India. It is also estimated that 50% of this investment is expected to be from the private sector. This makes it imperative for the diverse mix of stakeholders to be familiar with and possess the knowledge and skills in development of large infrastructure projects and in managing Public Private Partnerships (PPP).
It is largely acknowledged that capacity challenges among government agencies retards infrastructure service delivery and also adversely impacts economic growth and employment.
Therefore, capacity building is the need of the hour for ensuring efficient development and implementation of infrastructure projects across sectors, across regions and government levels.
(I-CAP) in October, 2007, with an objective to work across all sectors of infrastructure – physical infrastructure social infrastructure, rural infrastructure and allied services and activities. The initiative aims at providing all services required for capacity building and training, development of infrastructure and promotion of public private partnerships in the space.
Since 2017, iDeCK is the trustee of the I-CAP Trust and presently it serves as a dedicated platform for training delivery, pedagogy development, conducting research, knowledge repository and capacity building activities.
iDeCK’s extensive advisory experience and IDFC’s knowledge base in infrastructure strongly complement and reinforce I-CAP’s proven track record in capacity building programmes implemented through effective training and mentorship for Government agencies both in India and abroad.
I-CAP Trust & iDeCK
It is towards addressing this requirement within the government that IDFC took the pioneering step of setting up the India PPP Capacity Building Trust
Our Service Offering
Our offerings include:
- Development and delivering training programmes
- Rapid baseline and training needs assessment
- Pedagogy development including a mix of interactive lecture sessions, problem solving exercises, games and quizzes, discussions of case studies including live/ongoing or planned projects
- Monitoring and training impact measurement
- Developing and updating case studies (national and international) and field exposure visit planning
- Master trainer training and expanding the empanelled base of trainer resource personnel
- Consultative and Interactive feedback approaches involving target beneficiaries
- Research Activities
Capacity Building
We have supported training in public private partnerships across sectors at the following state level Institutions:
- Assam Administrative Staff College – Guwahati, Assam
- Administrative Training Institute – Mysore, Karnataka
- Bihar Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development – Patna, Bihar
- Gopabandhu Academy of Administration – Bhubaneshwar, Orissa
- HCM Rajasthan Institute of Public Administration – Jaipur, Rajasthan
- Uttarakhand Academy of Administration – Nainital, Uttarakhand
- Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration – Pune, Maharashtra
Our master trainers also provide training on invitation at prestigious national institutions
- Induction level training to members of the All India Services and Central Services (Group A) through a common Foundation Course
- Induction-level and post-entry professional training for officers of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) including mid-career training programmes
- Other in-service training programmes for the IAS and other services
Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India
PPP entities in infrastructure participated in the development of course
material which included train-the trainer, pilot testing, modification and
finalization. This enabled a wide rollout of the content and training delivery
by iDeCK and I-CAP.
The courseware was officially released in Dec 2010 at a special launch
event by Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, then Hon’ble Finance Minister, who
subsequently became the President of India (25th July 2012 to 25th July 2017).
The event included the rollout of a 4-day basic course, a 9-day advanced course (post the launch of the course content by the Hon. Finance Minister) and several customized shorter courses for senior government functionaries across sectors.
A mandate carried out for the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and supported by Kfw, this effort focused on seven major representative states. The project was undertaken over a two year period and covered a range of sectors represented through case studies and illustrations including transportation, ports and airports, logistics, urban development and energy.
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs,
Government of India
iDeCK along with ICAP and IDFC was designated as a Regional Training Hub for the Ministry of Urban Development for capacity building for municipalities covering 14 states. The task included training on 3 designated regional packages:
- Finalise Regional Capacity Building Action Plan
- Programme Management
- Development of Training material, Manuals etc.
The key areas of capacity building covered includes:
Urban Management, Financial Management, Project Development, Project Implementation, Project Management, IT applications, Institutional Strengthening, Personnel Management Skills and Ethics in Municipal Governance.
Specialized Professional
Training for Key Personnel
from SPVs/ULBs of Smart Cities
Initiated in 2017 and planned as a 3 year initiative this covers two key packages
of PPP – financial analysis & structuring of projects. A third package focuses
specifically on Central Government Nominee Directors on the Boards of smart
city SPVs and covers:
- Corporate governance and corporate legal aspects.
- Capacity building to support acceleration of smart city projects.
- Operationalization of smart city SPVs, a key priority for the Government of India. iDeCK along with I-CAP are working in this critical area in partnership with RCUES.
Over 3000 functionaries are envisaged to be covered under this programme.
Infrastructure Concession
Regulatory Commission, Nigeria
The ICRC was established to regulate Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiatives of the Federal government aimed at addressing Nigeria’s physical infrastructure deficit to boost economic development.
- Take custody of every concession agreement made under the enabling act and monitor compliance of the terms and conditions under the agreement
- Ensure efficient execution of any concession agreement or contract entered into by the Federal Government
The ICRC is Nigeria’s apex institution for planning and monitoring of projects implemented on a PPP basis. Mandates carried out include training of key officers of the Regulatory Commission as also Government officials from several departments.
The courses for the former covered key components of concession agreement, identification and mitigation of key risks in the contracts and a dispute resolution mechanism. Courses for the latter group focused on contract design, structuring, management and financing of road, transport, energy, urban, health and education sector PPPs including experience sharing from the Indian context.
Ministry Of Finance,
Bangladesh; ADB
iDeCK has an ongoing association with the Government of Bangladesh since 2013. It is working with the Government to set up the Bangladesh Infrastructure Fund Facility Limited (BIFFL) aimed at serving as a long-term funding and investment vehicle to facilitate the financing of PPPs in infrastructure and critical public services.
Subsequently mandated to train senior government officials across departments in areas such as: PPP frameworks, project structuring, understanding the role of government/public sector and private sector, fundamentals of project finance, financial modelling for infrastructure sectors and bid documentation.
Capacity Building – Karnataka State
With the Government of Karnataka being a shareholder in iDeCK, the firm has its longest association with the state and has been working towards development mandates in Karnataka since year 2000. This learning experience is leveraged in various projects across India and abroad. Our advisory teams have executed several pioneering PPP models (many of them a first in India), in Karnataka. (Eg: 24/7 water supply, deferred payment PPP models,
hybrid annuity PPP models, railway projects etc.), prior to adapting and customizing them elsewhere. Besides, we have been continuously involved with capacity building and training in PPPs across departments and are leveraging the live project experience. We also closely align with current government programmes and projects such as the ongoing smart cities initiative.
Select Publications and Guidance Materials
We have been mandated with framing of guidelines and toolkits covering the entire value chain of PPP, project development, financial analysis, project structuring, tendering and contracting, risk identification and mitigation/management, contract management including dispute resolution framework. These guidance materials are made available to various departments and authorities for an improved understanding of the application of PPP in their sectors and agencies and as convenient ready-reckoners.
This apart, we provide research and related support for important publications of our associated group and parent entity, IDFC Foundation including the Infrastructure Report series, since 2001. These provide an analysis and historical evolution of complex issues related to infrastructure development and Government policy and regulatory reforms across key sectors.
The collection provides an in-depth understanding of the key challenges and developments facing India and is of considerable relevance in terms of knowledge sharing with other developing countries too.
India Infrastructure Reports (IIR)
IIR Contain’ s academic research articles by experts on various sectors. iDeCK and I-CAP trust employees have also contributed to the IIR’s research articles. The theme of IIR every year is carefully chosen to reflect a central contemporary issue in Infrastructure Development.
All the Previous IIR’s may be freely accessed from
Select Clients
I-CAP in association with iDeCK and IDFC have undertaken several prestigious national and international capacity building assignments. Some of our clients include the following: