India with its long coastline has several important ports contributing to our economy. iDeCK has been a pioneer in providing advisory services to several minor/major ports and for the development of greenfield ports in the nation’s western coast. Our expertise includes the creation of a policy framework and sector-specific strategies for State Government for future planning. Our international experience includes contribution towards the development of 4 ports in Africa and assistance in the development of greenfield and an all-weather port at Pavinakurve under Swiss Challenge mode, a first-of-its-kind initiative by Public Works Department, Government of Karnataka.
We provide consultancy services in the areas of bulk, break bulk and container terminals under PPP framework, tariff fixation under TAMP guidelines, assistance in obtaining the required clearances from Standing Finance Committee to project structuring, bid documentation and post bid assistance. We also advise on the handling of bulk cargo such as iron ore, coal and general cargo across several locations, project cost estimates, traffic assessment, project revenues, project viability, bid documentation and bid process management to various minor greenfield ports ranging from 20 MTPA to 64 MTPA.

Key Projects – PORTS

Global Clients
Some of our reputed clients are major port trusts such as Kandla Port Trust, Mormugoa Port Trust, New Mangalore Port Trust, Cochin Port Trust and Kolkata Port Trust. Our other clients are Karnataka State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (KSIIDC), Directorate of Ports and Inland Water Transport (Public Works Department) Karnataka and National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA), Nigeria.